futurefoodsystem press and media

Image courtesy of our friends at Country Road

A Zero-Waste, Two Bedroom Home In The Middle Of Melbourne’s Federation Square!

‘Nature is the original zero-waste habitat: an ecosystem that regenerates itself, self-sufficiently, in perpetuity … we should be looking to [nature] when designing new buildings and cities.’

View full article on The Design Files

Joost Bakker’s All-New Greenhouse Is a Blueprint for the House of the Future

‘We need to radically change the way we grow food. Food systems need to be where we live and where we generate the waste. My goal is to create the biggest little ecosystem in the world.’

View full article on Broadsheet

The Future of Food: Inside Joost Bakker’s Revolutionary Greenhouse

‘There’s so much potential for growing food where we live. There’s so much potential for waste reduction. We’ve got an incredible opportunity that we haven’t explored - growing food in urban areas.’

View full article at Country Road

Greenhouse by Joost

‘Imagine solving the world’s biggest problem’s by simply changing the way we live. Future Food System is attempting just that. Joost Bakker’s long-awaited structure is now complete’

View full article at Fed Square

First look: A house tour of Melbourne's new self-sustaining Greenhouse

‘Greenhouse has been… a trailblazer for sustainable practice in hospitality. Now it will be a showcase of the house of the future, with food and energy systems integrated into the 87sqm concept home.’

View full article on delicious

The Trash Collector: Joost Bakker profile

‘Meet the poster boy for zero waste living… “I truly believe that nutrient-dense soil produces nutrient-dense food,” says Bakker. “We can’t keep stripping the land and not putting back what we take out.”’

View full article in the New York Times